Killer Klown From Outerspace Animation

So…a very long time ago I sketched out a picture of my favorite Killer Klown Anatomy of a Killer Klown (which has become my most viewed deviation) then subsequently scanned it, colored it and my wife added a circus tent in the background.

My wife’s birthday is on Halloween, so this year I decided to update the old Killer Klown for her!

I also decided to try to out-do myself, so I made it from the point of view of a victim caught in cotton candy (see the movie if you haven’t) and make it an animated GIF.

Make sure to wish her a Happy Birthday!

Homer Simpson: Stonecutter (Coloring Book Page)

To avoid the wrath of Homer, color inside the lines!

This is the uncolored version of this:

This is the original I copied it from:

My reason for copying this image was to practice my Adobe Illustrator skills and to make a larger clearer version for my own enjoyment!

Half-Shark-Alligator-Half-Man: Kool Keith Collage

“Call me a Hipster! I dare you!!”

I wanted to work on a animation featuring Kool Keith’s Half-Shark-Alligator-Half-Man, but I decided I needed some real world inspiration so I photo-shopped this.

And now I love it…

If you don’t know the song:

Thanks to all the photographers who took the original pictures.