Kailani’s First Halloween

My wife and my puppy girl!

The Adventures of Kailani


First of all I must say that Halloween is the worst holiday for puppies and dogs that get stressed and go crazy over hearing the doorbell! What’s even worse is that if Kailani hears a doorbell on the TV she thinks it’s ours and goes nuts! She barks and gets all stressed out that somebody is invading our home…poor baby! Do you have any idea just how many doorbells go off during Halloween shows and movies on TV? Too many! J So we thought we’d go to see the new Downtown Summerlin here in Vegas during the peak trick or treat times to avoid her any undue stress. It turned out to be not the best idea. It was loud. I don’t know if the D.J. was deaf or their sound system was suck on 11, but we could hardly hear each other talk. What were they thinking? The place…

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Video – Maltese Puppy Kailani at 6 months

If you want to see the cutest puppy playtime you’ve seen all day, you’ll want to watch this video!

And follow this blog: http://theadventuresofkailani.wordpress.com/

The Adventures of Kailani

Sean took this video on our wedding anniversary Sunday, July 13th, 2014. Look how much Kailani has grown since the 8 week old video! She also had a trip to the groomers for her first full hair cut a few days before this was filmed.

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When Kailani Joined Our Family in March 2014

Here is a blog my wife started for our little girl Kailani (our puppy)!

The Adventures of Kailani

Kailani beach

We welcomed our new little girl into our family on March 4th, 2014. She was born on January 2nd, 2014, so she was 8 weeks and 1 lb. 9 oz at the time we adopted her.
We already had 2 kitty fur babies (Sugar & Sweet Pea) that we love so much, but I (Kim Smith) had wanted a Maltese for so many years I can’t remember and had really been looking like crazy for one to add to our brood for the past year. I did my homework and knew a Maltese would be the perfect dog for us…at least it looked that way on paper. I have to admit we did not get a lot of sleep the first couple of weeks we had her and questioned our sanity with our decision, but she has turned out to be one the absolute best things we ever decided to…

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